
I have seen a lot of memorials in my life. I have seen every memorial at the mall at Washington, D.C. – some of them twice. In eighth grade, I searched the black granite for previous Hollingers. Men that I never knew and to whom I was probably barely related....

  • October 2, 2008

Abnormal. Flawed. Marked. An O with a peg-leg stepping awkwardly through words often needing U to do the talking. Neither the front nor the back, not even the middle. Caught between two sentinels. Blame his cursed childhood in front of the nymph of P. Getting the cold shoulder from the...

  • September 22, 2008

I am going to graduate in December. Crap. I am going to graduate in December! No, my dear readers, I don’t think you understand. I will graduate. As great as this sounds on paper, these three words come with a gigantic tidal wave of uncertainty, change and risk. For my...

  • September 18, 2008

She sat there pretending she was at the ocean. Pretending that the lanes of traffic that were moving were the gentle rustle of the water against the rocks. The small breeze sliding in and out of her window had the smell of salt instead of asphalt and exhaustion. She leaned...

  • September 14, 2008

Although only about 20 freshmen may pick up this newspaper in the first two weeks, I still feel putting this information out there will help. Here are some nice tips I wish someone would’ve told me when I first joined college. I had to find these tricks out the hard...

  • September 14, 2008

Our educational system makes very little sense. We spend four years in high school to prepare us for college. Problem is, high school is nothing like college. You are in one place from eight a.m. till three p.m., sitting in a desk. Everyone cares about your well-being and your grades....

  • September 14, 2008

Throughout the month of March and into half of April (due to a formal request by my girlfriend), I had a mohawk. Yes, I was that kid. And yes, I was often whistling. Sometimes it was the smurf theme song. Let’s not judge. On a side note, people don’t whistle...

  • May 12, 2008

I am a stoic. I guess I never really realized it until my freshmen year of college. In my English class, we actually discussed the stoic philosophy. Almost everyone else in my class was put off by some of the beliefs. I was sitting there, calmly agreeing. Stoicism was founded...

  • April 17, 2008

A friend of mine and I recently got into a 3 a.m. drunken debate on gay marriage that quickly turned into an argument about gay adoption. His argument was that if nature didn’t promote a gay family, then why should humanity? For example, if you left two people on an...

  • April 17, 2008

We, my peers, are the lucky ones. We experienced the crest of cartoon bliss. The 1990s provided some of the most unique, well-crafted and well-drawn animation. Even now, I can go back and watch my favorite series without feeling childish. The plots don’t try to talk down to the viewer....

  • March 31, 2008