
The Holy Spirit. The third player in the card game known as God. According to the Bible, the Holy Spirit dwells inside every Christian. The Holy Spirit is depicted as a helper to guide people in the way of the truth. The Holy Spirit is believed to take action in...

  • March 26, 2008

I’ve got two characters: Farmer Joe and Inner-City Jane. I have a theory why they tend to vote the way they do when it comes to elections. You can almost always tell the blue counties from the red counties by whether they are rural or city; I think I know...

  • March 26, 2008

There is this thing called driving. It comes with inherit risks. You may die. You might get injured. You might be affected for the rest of your life based ofnyour driving habits. Since we want to protect you, we will only tell you that you should never drive a car....

  • March 26, 2008

It starts young. Your father probably watched football with you and encouraged you to scream for a team. You had no idea what was going on. You liked screaming, though. You enjoyed being with your family. Those team colors were pretty nice, too. You loved painting your face. Then, you...

  • March 26, 2008

Honestly. How can Ben Stiller still have a job? Do we really need a yearly dose of his effeminate, angry rants? Do we need more of his beta male character filled with self-doubt as he chases after a woman far out of his league? In his newest movie, the previews...

  • March 26, 2008

If high school is a cradle, restrictive and linear, then college must be a crib. You have a little more room, allowing you to stand up and explore a little. Plus, you are surrounded by bars. Also, you get to choose what you want in your crib and what you...

  • March 26, 2008

You’ve read pro-Christian articles. You’ve read pro-Islam. The Forum has been relatively balanced in its coverage of the major religions. In my reading, though, I have yet to see an article that supports no religion at all. And although I myself believe in a deity, I can easily see the...

  • March 26, 2008

Viacom. Disney. General Electric. Time Warner. Sony. These are just a few names of the companies that currently control your media. They report what they want to report; they advertise what they want you to buy. In short, this handful of companies is indirectly in control of how you think....

  • March 26, 2008